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Wednesday, November 7, 2007

3 Necessities To Make Any Business Idea Successful: Part 6

In the last lesson we continued our discourse on the man who chose to work two jobs rather than concentrate and work intelligently. We will continue our analysis in an attempt to truly answer this question: Is working two jobs really lazier than being a Mentally Active Planner?

Remember how I was saying, in lesson 5, that my focus was always off when I worked two jobs? One time I forgot to pay my car note. I really thought I had paid it, but I hadnt! I ended up getting a bunch of late fees accumulated and ended up almost paying double what the note was! I was so frustrated because I had the money but I lacked the time to pay it. In the end, I had neither money nor the time to even spend it!

Then, when you are working two jobs and are naturally off balance, you start to buy things prematurely, that you cant afford. You do this in an attempt to reward yourself?for all of your hard work (to compensate for your miserably life). Then you create more debt and more problems! Its a vicious cycle.

When you confuse activity with achievement you end up damaging yourself most of the time. Working two jobs to fix your financial problems is pretty silly when you think about it. After all, everyone has the same amount of hours in a day to work with. Do you honestly think that by working twice as long each day to help make someone else rich that you are actually going to get rich yourself? This is not hard work, but stupidity at best. I used to think like a stupid Hammer Swinger! But I changed my mentality!

Whats missing from the Hammer Swingers Mentality? What is it that keeps him a Hammer Swinger? He lacks a plan! Not just any plan, but the right plan! The right plan is the plan that will include every finance related goal that he truly wishes to have: Plenty of money to spend, plenty of time to spend it with family and friends, plenty of schedule flexibility, and plenty of pleasurable options to choose from. No boss telling you what to, when to do it, and how to do it, and to kiss his behind while you are doing it!

I know what you are saying, Okay, everyone wants all of that. But how do I know what the right plan is? Everyday I am receiving offers in my mailbox, in my e-mail account, friends are telling me about things, I see all kinds of stuff in magazines and on television, and every Tom, Dick, and Harry claims to have the key to my salvation! How do I know who is right??Here is the real kicker: You dont!

Ladies and Gentlemen, this is where the true hard work begins!

To defy the odds and earn your lucky break (which is finding The One home based business opportunity that truly works), you have to research and experiment. You must strive faithfully and with a determination that will not stop until your objectives are met. The hard work I am talking about is finding the right plan, one that really works, and one that will give you everything your heart desires. This takes endless research, experimentation, investing, and a bunch of risks. But that is the price of succeeding. And it will all be worth it in the end because you will have a chance to manifest a complete achievement: You will have all the Time, Money, and Security you so desperately seek.

The absolute best thing a second job can give you is a few extra dollars in your pocket. Youd be lucky to get that. When you calculate all the work you had to do just to get a few extra peanuts, you realize that you are getting very little results for lots and lots of time and effort. Thats a bad exchange. Sounds like a scam to me! Youd be better off sucking it up and making the decision to achieve your financial freedom by an alternative means. Making the decision to be financially free is the prerequisite step for attaining financial freedom. Having the right plan is the first step for attaining financial freedom.

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